Anders Wernblad
Practice areas

NJORD Law Firm, partner, 2019-2023

Bird & Bird, partner, 2014-2019

LETT (now DLA Piper), partner, 2007-2014

Plesner, assistant attorney, attorney and junior partner, 1995-2006


Certified by EXIN in Information Security Management, 2022

Certified IT attorney and legal expert, 2008

Certified IT/IP mediator, 2006

Certified mediator, 2005

Master of Laws (LL.M.) with honors, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, USA, 2000

Admitted to the Danish Bar, 1998

University of Copenhagen, Master of Law, 1995


Member of the Association of Danish IT Attorneys

Member of Danish IT Society

Member of Network for IT contracts

Member of the Danish Bar and Law Society





Anders Wernblad

(+45) 5199 9083


CVR: 43882902

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK



NJORD Law Firm, partner, 2019-2023

Bird & Bird, partner, 2014-2019

LETT (now DLA Piper), partner, 2007-2014

Plesner, assistant attorney, attorney and junior partner, 1995-2006


Certified by EXIN in Information Security Management, 2022

Certified IT attorney and legal expert, 2008

Certified IT/IP mediator, 2006

Certified mediator, 2005

Master of Laws (LL.M.) with honors, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, USA, 2000

Admitted to the Danish Bar, 1998

University of Copenhagen, Master of Law, 1995


Commercial agreements and compensation
It and software
Personal data and marketing
Public procurement and tendering
Other areas of practice




Great knowledge of the legal sector and legal expertise within the technological field ingeneral, including, digitalization, IT and cybersecurity as well as intellectual property law and privacy issues in that connection. In-depth understanding of and extensive experience in the cross field between IT and public law having been involved in some of the largest and most complex public IT procurements and projects in Denmark.

In addition, special knowledge of e-commerce having had close relations to the former FDIH (The Danish E-commerce Association) and DI Handel (Confederation of Danish Industry) and is often invited as a lecturer on IT, cybersecurity and e-commerce matters such as IT contracts, GOMPs, and matters related to the utilization of artificial intelligence.

Certified IT attorney and legal expert and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Danish IT Attorneys for a period of six years.

Experience with general corporate law, real estate and employment law.


Author of an article on e-commerce and export published in nationwide newspaper: ‘E-handel fejler i udlandet’ in Opinion in Berlingske Tidende, 2018,

Author of an article on AI and legal challenges published in magazine for CIOs : ‘Kunstig intelligens og nogle juridiske udfordringer’ inKIT magasinet, 2017,

Author of a chapter on dispute managementand mediation: ‘Konflikthåndtering i IT-projekter – mediation som en mulighed’,Djøf Forlag, 2011


Anders Wernblad
har opnået ranking i nedenstående guides og kategorier:

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Anders Wernblad
er forfatter til nedenstående Updates:
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Anders Wernblad
har fået anmeldelser fra bl.a. nedenstående tilfredse klienter:


Great knowledge of the legal sector and legal expertise within the technological field ingeneral, including, digitalization, IT and cybersecurity as well as intellectual property law and privacy issues in that connection. In-depth understanding of and extensive experience in the cross field between IT and public law having been involved in some of the largest and most complex public IT procurements and projects in Denmark.

In addition, special knowledge of e-commerce having had close relations to the former FDIH (The Danish E-commerce Association) and DI Handel (Confederation of Danish Industry) and is often invited as a lecturer on IT, cybersecurity and e-commerce matters such as IT contracts, GOMPs, and matters related to the utilization of artificial intelligence.

Certified IT attorney and legal expert and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Danish IT Attorneys for a period of six years.

Experience with general corporate law, real estate and employment law.


Anders Wernblad
Is part of the following Aumento Teams:
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
For larger cases, special teams are assembled across legal specialties including lawyers, associates, law students, and administrative staff with the aim of ensuring optimal and comprehensive advice.


Author of an article on e-commerce and export published in nationwide newspaper: ‘E-handel fejler i udlandet’ in Opinion in Berlingske Tidende, 2018,

Author of an article on AI and legal challenges published in magazine for CIOs : ‘Kunstig intelligens og nogle juridiske udfordringer’ inKIT magasinet, 2017,

Author of a chapter on dispute managementand mediation: ‘Konflikthåndtering i IT-projekter – mediation som en mulighed’,Djøf Forlag, 2011


Anders Wernblad
has achieved rankings in the following guides and categories:
Anders Wernblad - Chambers 2023

Chambers Europe Rating 2023

Information technology - band 3

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Anders Wernblad - Legal500 2023

Legal500 2023

Information technology - tier 3

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Anders Wernblad - Chambers 2022

Chambers Europe Rating 2022

Information technology - band 3

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Anders Wernblad - Legal500 2022

Legal500 2022

Information technology - tier 3

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Anders Wernblad
is the author of the following updates:
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Anders Wernblad
has received reviews from satisfied clients, including the following:
No items found.
Practice areas

NJORD Law Firm, partner, 2019-2023

Bird & Bird, partner, 2014-2019

LETT (now DLA Piper), partner, 2007-2014

Plesner, assistant attorney, attorney and junior partner, 1995-2006


Certified by EXIN in Information Security Management, 2022

Certified IT attorney and legal expert, 2008

Certified IT/IP mediator, 2006

Certified mediator, 2005

Master of Laws (LL.M.) with honors, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, USA, 2000

Admitted to the Danish Bar, 1998

University of Copenhagen, Master of Law, 1995


Member of the Association of Danish IT Attorneys

Member of Danish IT Society

Member of Network for IT contracts

Member of the Danish Bar and Law Society





Anders Wernblad

(+45) 5199 9083


CVR: 43882902

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK

Complaint guidance