Søren Bernhard Aagaard
Practice areas

Aagaard & Partners Law Firm, Lawyer and partner, 2006 -

Meeting of the Supreme Court, 2011

Meeting before the High Court, 2006 

ADVODAN, legal assistant, 2004-2006

KPMG, Head of personal tax, 2002-2004

KMPG, manager tax division, 1998-2002

Municipality of Hørsholm, 1996


Lawyer, 2006

Attorney at law, 2004

University of Copenhagen, 1996


Danish Tax Attorneys

International Bar Association

The Danish Bar Association 

Ordered by the Ministry of Justice





Søren Bernhard Aagaard

(+45) 2335 5290



CVR: 29624666

Organized as a private limited company

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK



Aagaard & Partners Law Firm, Lawyer and partner, 2006 -

Meeting of the Supreme Court, 2011

Meeting before the High Court, 2006 

ADVODAN, legal assistant, 2004-2006

KPMG, Head of personal tax, 2002-2004

KMPG, manager tax division, 1998-2002

Municipality of Hørsholm, 1996


Lawyer, 2006

Attorney at law, 2004

University of Copenhagen, 1996


Tax and VAT
Employment and Labour Law
Litigation and dispute resolution




Søren is licensed to appear before the Supreme Court and has considerable experience in conducting cases before all courts. Søren deals exclusively with tax, VAT and business and company-related cases, including civil cases against the Ministry of Taxation as well as tax and tax criminal cases where Søren is defense attorney. Søren also has strong knowledge of labor law matters, including conducting cases for employers against the trade unions. Søren is a member of Denmark's Tax Attorneys.

Søren is in a team with attorney Lise Aagaard, who is a consultant for the Association of Certified Public Accountants. The team is i.e. responsible for updating the association's online tax tools and guides.


Sharp expertise

Throughout his career, Søren has gained extensive professional specialist knowledge and experience in advising both private individuals and businesses on Danish and international tax- and VAT legislation.

As a natural combination with Søren's expertise in tax, throughout his career Søren has dealt extensively with business-related advice, including company law, employment law, collective labor law and related areas. Søren handles cases in both the administrative system and the courts - including the Supreme Court and the Labor Court.



Søren Bernhard Aagaard
har opnået ranking i nedenstående guides og kategorier:

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har fået anmeldelser fra bl.a. nedenstående tilfredse klienter:


Søren is licensed to appear before the Supreme Court and has considerable experience in conducting cases before all courts. Søren deals exclusively with tax, VAT and business and company-related cases, including civil cases against the Ministry of Taxation as well as tax and tax criminal cases where Søren is defense attorney. Søren also has strong knowledge of labor law matters, including conducting cases for employers against the trade unions. Søren is a member of Denmark's Tax Attorneys.

Søren is in a team with attorney Lise Aagaard, who is a consultant for the Association of Certified Public Accountants. The team is i.e. responsible for updating the association's online tax tools and guides.


Sharp expertise

Throughout his career, Søren has gained extensive professional specialist knowledge and experience in advising both private individuals and businesses on Danish and international tax- and VAT legislation.

As a natural combination with Søren's expertise in tax, throughout his career Søren has dealt extensively with business-related advice, including company law, employment law, collective labor law and related areas. Søren handles cases in both the administrative system and the courts - including the Supreme Court and the Labor Court.


Søren Bernhard Aagaard
Is part of the following Aumento Teams:
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
For larger cases, special teams are assembled across legal specialties including lawyers, associates, law students, and administrative staff with the aim of ensuring optimal and comprehensive advice.



Søren Bernhard Aagaard
has achieved rankings in the following guides and categories:
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Søren Bernhard Aagaard
is the author of the following updates:
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Søren Bernhard Aagaard
has received reviews from satisfied clients, including the following:
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Practice areas

Aagaard & Partners Law Firm, Lawyer and partner, 2006 -

Meeting of the Supreme Court, 2011

Meeting before the High Court, 2006 

ADVODAN, legal assistant, 2004-2006

KPMG, Head of personal tax, 2002-2004

KMPG, manager tax division, 1998-2002

Municipality of Hørsholm, 1996


Lawyer, 2006

Attorney at law, 2004

University of Copenhagen, 1996


Danish Tax Attorneys

International Bar Association

The Danish Bar Association 

Ordered by the Ministry of Justice





Søren Bernhard Aagaard

(+45) 2335 5290



CVR: 29624666

Organized as a private limited company

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK

Complaint guidance