Mette Stendahl Plomgaard
Practice areas

Self-employed lawyer since, 2007

Employed lawyer at Eversheds Advokatfirma, 2006-2007

In-house lawyer in the university group's technology transfer unit, 2002-2004

Corporate lawyer in Tele2 A/S, 1997-2001


Meeting of the High Court, 2012

Lawyer, 2006

Master of Laws from Aarhus University, 1993

Graduation in French from l'Institut Catholique in Paris, 1986


Medlem af Advisory Board i virksomheden "Social Respons"

Frivillig rådgiver i Københavnske Advokaters Retshjælp

Det danske Advokatsamfund

Beskikket af Justitsministeriet/Civilstyrelsen






Mette Stendahl Plomgaard

(+45) 2065 9010

CVR: 30633164 

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance HDI Denmark, policy no.156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage: 50 mill. DKK



Self-employed lawyer since, 2007

Employed lawyer at Eversheds Advokatfirma, 2006-2007

In-house lawyer in the university group's technology transfer unit, 2002-2004

Corporate lawyer in Tele2 A/S, 1997-2001


Meeting of the High Court, 2012

Lawyer, 2006

Master of Laws from Aarhus University, 1993

Graduation in French from l'Institut Catholique in Paris, 1986


Family, children, and divorce
Other areas of practice
Company law and business-related matters





Primary area of expertise

Mette Stendahl Plomgaard primarily specializes in family law, which includes all matters related to the dissolution of cohabitation and divorce, including parental custody, residence, visitation, and division of assets. This typically involves the following activities:

  • Participation in meetings at the Family Court
  • Involvement in mediation sessions
  • Court appearances
  • Preparation of property division agreements and asset assessments
  • Advice on valuation and settlement of pension plans
  • Guidance on valuation and sale of real estate and cooperative apartments
  • Drafting of prenuptial agreements and involvement in enforcement proceedings for property distribution
  • Facilitation of visitation arrangements and participation in probate court proceedings for division of joint estates

No two cases are alike. Mette Stendahl Plomgaard possesses substantial negotiation experience and always strives to achieve the best possible solution for the client, whether through a comprehensive settlement or a court judgment.



Mette Stendahl Plomgaard
har opnået ranking i nedenstående guides og kategorier:

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Primary area of expertise

Mette Stendahl Plomgaard primarily specializes in family law, which includes all matters related to the dissolution of cohabitation and divorce, including parental custody, residence, visitation, and division of assets. This typically involves the following activities:

  • Participation in meetings at the Family Court
  • Involvement in mediation sessions
  • Court appearances
  • Preparation of property division agreements and asset assessments
  • Advice on valuation and settlement of pension plans
  • Guidance on valuation and sale of real estate and cooperative apartments
  • Drafting of prenuptial agreements and involvement in enforcement proceedings for property distribution
  • Facilitation of visitation arrangements and participation in probate court proceedings for division of joint estates

No two cases are alike. Mette Stendahl Plomgaard possesses substantial negotiation experience and always strives to achieve the best possible solution for the client, whether through a comprehensive settlement or a court judgment.


Mette Stendahl Plomgaard
Is part of the following Aumento Teams:
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
For larger cases, special teams are assembled across legal specialties including lawyers, associates, law students, and administrative staff with the aim of ensuring optimal and comprehensive advice.



Mette Stendahl Plomgaard
has achieved rankings in the following guides and categories:
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Mette Stendahl Plomgaard
is the author of the following updates:
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Mette Stendahl Plomgaard
has received reviews from satisfied clients, including the following:
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Practice areas

Self-employed lawyer since, 2007

Employed lawyer at Eversheds Advokatfirma, 2006-2007

In-house lawyer in the university group's technology transfer unit, 2002-2004

Corporate lawyer in Tele2 A/S, 1997-2001


Meeting of the High Court, 2012

Lawyer, 2006

Master of Laws from Aarhus University, 1993

Graduation in French from l'Institut Catholique in Paris, 1986


Medlem af Advisory Board i virksomheden "Social Respons"

Frivillig rådgiver i Københavnske Advokaters Retshjælp

Det danske Advokatsamfund

Beskikket af Justitsministeriet/Civilstyrelsen






Mette Stendahl Plomgaard

(+45) 2065 9010

CVR: 30633164 

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance HDI Denmark, policy no.156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage: 50 mill. DKK

Complaint guidance