Peter Fredslund
Practice areas

Member of the Danish Bar and Law Society

Appointed as external examiner, University of Copenhagen

Faculty of Law Member of the Board (Chairman), Causa Consulting A/S


Entitled to plead before the Danish Supreme Court, 2013

Entitled to plead before the Danish High Court, 2008

Attorney, 2005

Assistant Attorney, 2002

Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen and Southampton Solent University, 2002


Appointed censor at the University of Copenhagen's law school

Appointed censor at the Bar Examination Trial Examination (appointed by the Ministry of Justice)

Member of the Board of Directors (Chairman), Causa Consulting A/S

Member of the Board of Directors (Chairman), Blueprint Learning ApS

The Danish Bar Association

Commissioned by the Ministry of Justice/Civil Administration


The Scandinavian languages



Peter Fredslund

(+45) 2280 7356

CVR : 32277152

Organized as a limited liability company

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. VAS1200861

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK



Member of the Danish Bar and Law Society

Appointed as external examiner, University of Copenhagen

Faculty of Law Member of the Board (Chairman), Causa Consulting A/S


Entitled to plead before the Danish Supreme Court, 2013

Entitled to plead before the Danish High Court, 2008

Attorney, 2005

Assistant Attorney, 2002

Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen and Southampton Solent University, 2002


Construction Law
Real estate and construction

The Scandinavian languages



Peter Fredslund is chiefly occupied with commercial law and building law. In commercial law his practice focuses especially on consultancy centred on small and medium-sized companies, for instance in relation to establishment, shareholder agreements, acquisitions and sales of companies, mergers and demergers, trade marks and domain names, appointments and dismissals, collaboration agreements, reconstruction of distressed companies, and purchases, sales and leasing of real estate.

In addition, Peter Fredslund's expertise includes the restaurant business, where he is the regular attorney for a number of leading agents, for whom he provides assistance with acquisitions, sales, financing and licensing, In the construction field Peter Fredslund is a consultant on the process of entering into contracts and also liability for faults and defects, including the professional liability of advisers. His clients include owners as well as contractors and technical consultants. Peter Fredslund also conducts court cases and arbitration in a wide range of areas arising from those mentioned above.



Peter Fredslund
har opnået ranking i nedenstående guides og kategorier:

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Peter Fredslund is chiefly occupied with commercial law and building law. In commercial law his practice focuses especially on consultancy centred on small and medium-sized companies, for instance in relation to establishment, shareholder agreements, acquisitions and sales of companies, mergers and demergers, trade marks and domain names, appointments and dismissals, collaboration agreements, reconstruction of distressed companies, and purchases, sales and leasing of real estate.

In addition, Peter Fredslund's expertise includes the restaurant business, where he is the regular attorney for a number of leading agents, for whom he provides assistance with acquisitions, sales, financing and licensing, In the construction field Peter Fredslund is a consultant on the process of entering into contracts and also liability for faults and defects, including the professional liability of advisers. His clients include owners as well as contractors and technical consultants. Peter Fredslund also conducts court cases and arbitration in a wide range of areas arising from those mentioned above.


Peter Fredslund
Is part of the following Aumento Teams:
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
For larger cases, special teams are assembled across legal specialties including lawyers, associates, law students, and administrative staff with the aim of ensuring optimal and comprehensive advice.



Peter Fredslund
has achieved rankings in the following guides and categories:
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Peter Fredslund
is the author of the following updates:
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Peter Fredslund
has received reviews from satisfied clients, including the following:
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Practice areas

Member of the Danish Bar and Law Society

Appointed as external examiner, University of Copenhagen

Faculty of Law Member of the Board (Chairman), Causa Consulting A/S


Entitled to plead before the Danish Supreme Court, 2013

Entitled to plead before the Danish High Court, 2008

Attorney, 2005

Assistant Attorney, 2002

Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen and Southampton Solent University, 2002


Appointed censor at the University of Copenhagen's law school

Appointed censor at the Bar Examination Trial Examination (appointed by the Ministry of Justice)

Member of the Board of Directors (Chairman), Causa Consulting A/S

Member of the Board of Directors (Chairman), Blueprint Learning ApS

The Danish Bar Association

Commissioned by the Ministry of Justice/Civil Administration


The Scandinavian languages



Peter Fredslund

(+45) 2280 7356

CVR : 32277152

Organized as a limited liability company

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. VAS1200861

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK

Complaint guidance